How do I spread the word?
We want to find out what this money can do, if we give it collectively to public good.
- Share the link to this website as widely as possible!
- On social media, you can use this image:
- Use the hashtags #200Ontario #donatetogether and the Insta handle @200ontario
- If you are comfortable, consider tagging and encouraging others to join in.
- Copy and paste the message below into an email and send it to your contacts (or make it your own!):
Dear friends, family, colleagues, and neighbours,
I’m writing because I’ve learned about an initiative that I’d like to support, and I’m wondering if you might like to support it too. $200 is a non-partisan project that aims to encourage as many Ontarians as possible to donate the $200 we’ll be receiving from the Ontario Government to an organization that supports the public good. You would make your contribution directly to the organization YOU choose, through its own existing donation platform. The organizers are just asking you to tell them about it, so that they can tell you about the impacts we all made, together.
You can pledge your donation and learn more about this project here.
I hope you’ll consider joining me in doing this!